Why is everyone starting a Podcast?

and why you should start your podcast!

Nuzair Palwala
3 min readOct 10, 2020

podcasts are something that I have been listening to since I was 17 years old, I started with The Joe Rogan Experience and soon started to find more and more of them interesting.

Since the pandemic hit you might have seen your friends, favorite social media personality or even your favorite actors start a podcast, heck I remember looking at my older brother and asking “yo you wanna start something like a podcast”, but why is everyone starting a podcast.

the answer, believe it or not, is because it's super easy, confused? lemme explain, at the core of it a podcast is just one or a few people having a conversation, this gives it the choice of being a bit more casual and way less daunting than a youtube video. But why a podcast and not tiktok or even youtube.

1.Ease of getting started

This is maybe the biggest selling point of starting a podcast, you don't nessaciarly need to have talent to start a podcast, this with the fact that you won’t have thousands potentially millions of people “watching” you make a podcast way more approachable.A podcast doesn’t need to have stunning visuals or a good thumbnail, what you need is good content and self-belief.

2.Easy to make

Compared to youtube or even TikTok which requires good lighting or knowledge of framing a shot and in the case of YouTube some decent video editing skills, for a podcast the most you could need is a high-quality condenser mic ,a tripod and maybe a DAC. But just to get started you need to lay your phone down on a table and let your ideas flow.editing and managing a podcast is also way easier and less confusing compared to video editing, you could use something as basic as “Audacity” which is not only free but super easy to learn and use.

3.A leveled playing field

Whenever someone says “videos” our brain directly goes to YouTube and that’s because it’s the biggest and the most saturated platform for publishing videos, with tiktok and maybe Instagram on a close second. Now in the case of podcasts you have huge platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and SoundCloud but other than these you also have podbean,buzzsprout and soo many more.beacuse of this you can choose any platform to your liking or even release your podcast on multiple platforms, something you cannot really do with video content.

4.The versatility of upscaling

Personally I like watching podcasts like The Joe Rogan Experience and Impulsive with Logan Paul on YouTube with video because I feel it enhances the experience, on the other hand, I listen the “Here we go” podcast by Fabrizio romano because then I can search up the player that he is talking about, this not only makes my experience a lot more informative but also super interactive. because of this versatility, you can listen to podcast while working out or driving a car or even before going to bed, it doesn’t take away from the experience,this wont only help you progress up wards like adding video with your podcast or even inviting some new guests ,making this one of the biggest reason why people like podcasts soo much.

5.easier to break-in

Now, this is quite similar to my older point, but with podcasts, you can attract the same sort of audience as you can on tiktok (meaning it’s a lot easier to get discovered). if I want to watch a youtube video I look at 3 things-the title, the thumbnail, and the creator.in terms of a podacasts what I care about it just the tile and the underlying content, honestly making me less bias.

But not to answer the underlying question,should you start your own podcasts? and my answer is a solid YES! With a podcast you can be as creative as you want and you don’t need to have a lot of resources to do that,but don’t do itout of all the wrong reasons, as someone once said “don’t do something because it’s a trend,do it because you believe in it,do it because you love it” with that said,


