Why are your workouts boring?

And how to make them a tad bit fun

Nuzair Palwala
3 min readSep 16, 2021
Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

I think we all can agree that workouts can be quite exhausting.

Making matters worst, workouts can also be kinda boring and can affect how much you would want to push yourself.

So here are some tips to make your next gym session slightly less boring and a lot more fun.

1.Push your goals:

Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

In all of its simplicity, pushing your goals can be as easy as setting new goals when you are just about to achieve the original one. like if your goal is to press 80kgs and your CPB(current personal best) is like 75, bumping that goal up to 100 can give you a huge boost in motivation and can ultimately help you achieve more than what you set out for.

2. Mixing it up:

Photo by Alexander Redl on Unsplash

Doing the same workout day in day out, week in week out can get super monotonous and boring, but more importantly, it can affect how your progress and even affect your gains. When you do the same workout over and over again your body gets use to it, once this use to be a challenge now this has become more of a habit, hence not pushing your muscles to do much work. One easy way to mix up exercises is by substituting in new exercises every few weeks, maybe going for a hike or a swim instead of cardio, your imagination is the limit.

3. Multitasking is the key:

Photo by Ilias Chebbi on Unsplash

This is probably what everyone does, put in your earphones, pick up the dumbells, and start rolling. This same principle can be applied to a lot more than music, one of my personal favorites is watching some youtube maybe some ted talks. the bottom line is you should be engrossed enough not to get bored but also it would not affect your workouts. heck, you could even facetime your mum, kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

4. Drag a friend along with you:

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Working out with a friend can be a great idea, not only because you will have someone to talk with and would feel less bored but it also brings in this element of competition which might help you push yourself just a bit harder. I remember seeing this one interview by Arnold Schwarzenegger where he said he used his best friend Franco Columbu as a source of motivation. working out with a friend also gives you a solid reason to show up at the gym every day.

So now your visits to the gym are a bit less boring (hurray), but now to answer the underlying question “why should going to the gym be fun”. and the simple answer is consistency, to achieve anything you need consistency and your fitness journey is no exception. with that said,

Peace out.

